On 10-11 November 2022 was held ‘The International Matilde Migration Conference: #Migration and #Rural Development’ in Villach Austria.
The aim of the event was to present the MATILDE project’s main research findings and to create space for dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and various social and economic milieus in order to provide better responses to the challenges posed by migration and integration governance.
The theme of first day of the conference was “Inclusive and Engaging Rural and Mountainous Areas”. Social, economic and cultural impacts of migration in rural areas within the scope of the MATILDE project were discussed with panel and roundtable meetings. The event gathered more than 130 participants from 29 countries.
During the session ‘Local transformations through migration-Spotlight on selected MATILDE case studies’ prof. Anna Kratseva, leader of the Bulgarian MATILDE team, presented the Reterritorialisation and revitalisaition of remote regions’ through the intriguing results and observations from the rich action research in the frame of the project conducted in the region of Haskovo and Harmanli, Bulgaria.