- Личен блог на Анна Кръстева
- http://annakrasteva.wordpress.com
- Фондация за достъп до права ФАР
- https://farbg.eu
- Семинар BG
- http://www.seminar-bg.eu/
- Marginalia. Правата на човека са решението
- http://www.marginalia.bg
- Journal Southeastern Europe, Brill
- http://www.brill.com/southeastern-europe
- Правна клиника за бежанци и имигранти
- https://lcribg.wordpress.com/
- Център за правна помощ - Глас в България
- Сдружение "ЗА ТЕБ"
- http://www.foryoubg.org
- Проект „Мостове на добросъседство”
- https://bridgesofgoodneighbourhood.wordpress.com/
- Еuropeam regional master's degree in democracy and human rights in SEE
- www.cps.edu.ba/ENGLESKI/ermaprogram.htmlhttp
- PhD diversity management and governance
- https://www.uni-graz.at/de/
- L’Association internationale des sociologues de langue française
- Institute for democracy and development
- http://www.institute-democracy.org/
- Group 484
- http://grupa484.org.rs/?lang=english
- Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe
- http://www.pecob.eu/news-central-eastern-europe-balkan-countries
- Global Equity in Education Opportunity
- http://www.globaleneo.org/