- Krasteva, Anna. Human rights and human security in times of securitization.- Universality and applicability of human rights, Sofia, Sofia University, 10.12.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. How to rethink and to teach human rights in post-democratic time? Academic address to the Graduation ceremony of the European regional master in democracy and human rights in SEE. Sarajevo, 27.10.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. Les citadins comme citoyens dans la cite ou l’émergence de la citoyenneté créative, verte et contestataire.- Villes en transformation : défis, (pre)visions, perspectives. Sofia, 18-20.10.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. Si la crise migratoire n’existait pas, populistes de l’Est et de l’Ouest l’aurait inventée.- L’Europe face au défi démographique : enjeux et perspectives, Iasi, 17-18.10.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. “Migration 2.0: entre information, manipulation et mobilisation.- Colloque « Medias et migration » de l’ UPF (Union de la Presse Francophone), Tsaghkadzor, Armenie, 9-12.10.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. Femmes et leadership. Papier à la table ronde “Les femmes doivent-elles s’imposer pour réussir?”.- Les élites féminines dans l’espace francophone. Erevan, 11-12.09.18.
- Krasteva, Anna . Old and new Us and Others in times of refugee crisis. Paper at “Us and Others”, Silver lake, Serbia, 28-29.08.18.
- Krasteva, Anna . Balkan migrations: from forced displacement to migration & development nexus. Paper at “Us and Others”, Silver lake, Serbia, 28-29.08.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. Keynote paper If the migration crisis did not exist, (East European) populists would have invented it or the (im)possibility of the migration&development nexus.- Mobility, migration, and the remaking of East-European identities in a post-Brexit Europe, Leipzig, 26-27.06.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. The decline of facts or the newspeak of post-democracy.- Between facts and fake: building resilience to misinformation, Sofia, 28.05.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. The future of the European institutions/policies.- A glance at (post)crisis scenario. Brussels, 3.05.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. If thee refugee crisis did not exist, populists of all colors would have invented it: Bulgarian perspectives.-Refugee crisis two year later: the past and future of the Balkan route. Belgrade, 26.04.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. If Borders Did Not Exist, Euroscepticism Would Have Invented Them.- European Public Policy Conference, Sofia, 13-15.04.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. Facts will not save from fake or the Newspeak of the post-crisis post-democracy.- The shape of things to come: a post-human world in te post-truth era, Fulbright conference, Sofia, 13.04.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. From civil society without citizenship to green, contestatory and solidary citizenship.-The role of practices at the intersection of civic rights and democracy. Sofia, 23-24.03.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. Return – policies, practices, imaginaries.- Return and autobiography, Sofia, 20.03.18.
- Krasteva, Anna. Re/De/Constructing the Migration & Development Nexus.- Workshop within the Bulgarian presidency of the Council of the EU of Working Party on Development Cooperation (CODEV) and Working Party on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid (COHAFA) , Borovets, 18-20,03.18
- Anna Krasteva. Facts will not save from fake or the Newspeak of the post-crisis post-democracy.- European societies after crisis, Munich, 12.03.18.
- Anna Krasteva. Solidary citizenship in (post)crisis migration situation: European and Bulgarian civic actors and activism.- Migration and human security in post-crisis Bulgaria. European and national, political and civic perspectives. Sofia, 1.03.15
- Anna Krasteva. Border politics and the Balkan refugee route: political discourses, images and imaginaries.-Border and migration management conference, Ankara, 21-23.02.18.
- Anna Krasteva. Russians in Bulgaria: four waves – four types of integration.- Inclusion and exclusion of migrant communities sharing similar cultural backgrounds with their host societies, Berlin, 20.11.17
- Anna Krasteva. Facts will not save (the youth) from fake. Citizenship will.- World Forum for Democracy, Panel “From fake to facts: how to strengthen ties among research, policy and society to counter populism”, Strasbourg, 8-10.11.17.
- Anna Krasteva. Moderation and closing speech at the conference ‘Between the worlds: people, spaces and rituals” Sofia, 31.10.17.
- Anna Krasteva. European Regional meeting on Development of value based statements. Bratislava, 30.10.17.
- Anna Krasteva. E-citoyennete: devenir citoyen a l’ere numerique.- Cours inaugural a l’ESFAM, 2.10.17.
- Anna Krasteva. Communication and (post)democracy: the triple populist innovativeness.- Democratic resistance to authoritarian trends in Europe today: legacies, framing and action, Belgrade, 23-24.09.17.
- Anna Krasteva. Moderation and opening speech at Restructuring identities v managing minorities, Bertinoro, 15.09.17.
- Anna Krasteva. Conspiration et corruption – les deux méga-discours de la transition post-communiste ratée.-Corruption et politique : histoire et sociologie, Avignon, 4-6.09.17.
- Anna Krasteva. Refugees and migration in Bulgaria:challeges and solutions.- Bulgaria in the context of migration and challenges to European cohesion, Fulbright seminar in Bulgaria, Sofia, 24.07.17
- Anna Krasteva. Youth between far-right populism and human rights.- Interrogating populism from the perspective of vulnerable minorities. Budapest, 17.07.17.
- Anna Krasteva. La citoyennete creative post-communiste (conference pleniere). Questionner le tournant creatif : dispositifs, processus et representations, Varna 7-9.06.17.
- Anna Krasteva. Civic activism in time of securitization- Securitization and human rights : human security in time of insecurity, Bangkok, 22-26.05.17
- Anna Krasteva. Sofia – close city, open city.- Looking beyond the crisis: impact of mass migrations on the local, regional, national and EU governance. Dubrovnik, 11-14.05.17
- Anna Krasteva. Mainstreaming of extremism: human rights activists marginalized, violators of human rights heroized. Reflections from the Balkan migration route.- Liquid reconciliation: global perspectives, glocal realities, Sarajevo, 4-6.04.17.
- Аnna Krasteva. Les mobilisations citoyennes entre la sécurisation et les droits.- Etat de droit, droits et sécurité humaine en temps d’insécurité, Sofia, 20.03.17.
- Anna Krasteva. Political uses of religion in post-communist post-secular Bulgaria.- Bulgarian –american conference “Defense of freedom of religion and fight against the discrimination and religion based violence”, Sofia, 14.03.17.
- Anna Krasteva. Migration, religion, European identity.- Religion and migration in the Mediterranean and Europe: research methods, analytics, and policy implications, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, US, 26-27.01.17.
- Anna Krasteva. The role of national minorities in Serbia’s cooperation with Bulgaria and Romania.- Bilateral relations and the status of national minorities, Belgrade, 3.01.17.
- Krasteva A. Can we have security without freedom of movement.- Saving the European peace project: human security in times of crisis, Athens, 21-13.10.16.
- Krasteva A. L’(e-)citoyennete contestataire ou la jeunesse entre l’extremisme et l’engagement.-Forum francophone de la jeunesse, Sofia, 13.0.16.
- Krasteva A. Migration policy during migration crisis: (dis)balances in the perspective of human security.- The refugee crisis – challenges to Bulgarian institutions. Prevention and countering the corruption and organized crime, related to the refugee problem. Sofia, 26.09.16.
- Krasteva A. The post-communist rise of national populism.- Decline or eclipse of democracy in Europe’s new democracies? Belgrade, 24-25.09.16.
- Krasteva A. Migration and Balkan borders in a European and human rights perspective.- European values and security faced with migration and refugee cries – a perspective from the civil society. Skopje, 20.09.16.
- Krasteva A. Far-Right Youth. -Breaking down or re-building the walls.- Migration crisis, refugees and security in Southeastern Europe, Bertinoro, 16.09.16.
- Krasteva A. The refugee crisis: political and civic perspectives.- workshop of RreCriRe (Horizon 2020 project), Aix en Provence, 14.09.16.
- Krasteva A. Civic engagement with refugees.- Syrian refugees ad civic response in Turkey: from humanitarian aid to human security. Istanbul, 25.06.16.
- Krasteva A. Crossing borders: the Balkan refugee road.- Intractable human rights situations and failed international responses to crisis, Venice, 9-14.05.16.
- Krasteva A. La jeunesse extrême droite - enfants ou soldats des crises.- 25 ans de crises, contestations, mobilisations, 25.04.16.
- Krasteva A. La critique des élites : de la radicalité à l’humour.- Le pouvoir des mots : reseaux, radicalisation, derision, Sofia, 14.03.16
- Krasteva A. Human trafficking/smuggling and migration challenges.- Countering transnational organized crime conference. Tbilisi, 8-9.03.16.
- Krasteva A. The Bulgarian post-communist migration model in a comparative perspective.-The EU as a forum of labor migration - entrepreneurship, exploitation, dignity, Forli, Italy, 3-4.12.15.
- Krasteva A. Citoyenneté contestataire: indignation, Internet, imagination. -Partis, élections et mouvements sociaux. Bucarest, 13-14.11.15.
- Krasteva A. If borders did not exist Euroscepticism would create them: post-communist bordering discourses and images.- Borders and bordering in contemporary Europe. - Euroborderescapes policy and impact conference, London, 10-12.11.15.
- Krasteva A. Protests and new mobilisations: the emergence of new contestatory postcommunist citizenship.- “The State is Us…” Protest against large-scale (construction) projects in Southeastern Europe, Munich, 4-5.11.15.
- Krasteva A. Dealing with vulnerability of long-established and newly emerged marginalized groups through public policies and citizen mobilisations. Public hearings of the Committee on Regional Developent of the European Parliament, Brussels, 14.07.15.
- Krasteva A. Euroropeanizarion of Balkan/Bulgarian borders.- Eurobordescapes workshop, Villard de Lans, France, 18-19.05.15.
- Krasteva A. From greening of the activist Self to ‘Friends of refugees’ or the building of the post-communist contestatory citizenship.- Counterforces to populism, racism, Othering, Helsinki, April 27, 2015.
- Krasteva A. Bulgarian radical right.- Perspectives on countering violent extremism for the transatlantic community and beyond. Austin, April 20-21, 2015
- Krasteva A. Culture, innovation, développement. Synthèse du colloque international Culture, innovation, développement, Sofia, 20.03.15.
- Krasteva A. Populist shifts, rise of extreme right and Othering in Europe: challenges and anti-discrimination strategies. The Bulgarian case.- Populist shifts, rise of extreme right and Othering in Europe: challenges and anti-discrimination strategies, Brussels, 4.03.15.
- Globalization, citizenship, new mobilizations.- Int conference “Citizenship and human security”, Istanbul, 25.01.05.
- Les frontières sur investies: symboliquement, esthétiquement et politiquement.- Frontières et mobilités, Grenoble, 15.01.15.
- Post-transition challenges: the populisms.- 25 years of changes: limits and periodization of the Bulgarian transition, institutions and quality of democracy in Bulgaria, Sofia, 13-14.12.14.
- Nouvelles politiques publiques et/ou nouveaux citoyens.- Les études européennes aujourd’hui : enjeux, objectifs, moyens, Paris, 6-8.11.14.
- Mobile Balkans: from ‘exit’ to ‘voice’.- Migrations, violence and human rights: the international action against trafficking in human beings, Sarajevo, Oct 24,2014.
- Being a Bulgarian abroad (from migration to mobility).- Balkan and Baltic states in united Europe, Sofia, 1-3.10.14.
- Migration in white: from ‘classic’ migration to cosmopolitan transnationalism.- Bulgarians abroad, foreigners in Bulgaria, Sofia, 29 – 30.09.14
- Politics and poetry of borders: western and eastern images and imaginaries.- First world conference “Post-cold war borders. Global trends and regional responses”, Joensuu, Finland and St
- Petersbourg, Russia, June 9 – 13, 2014.
- The anti-capitalist impetus of eastern-european populisms.- Autocracy and market economy. The transformation in Eastern Europe and East Asia in comparison, Vienna, 15-17 May, 2014.
- Participation at the debate “The dual transformation revisited after 25 years: connections between demo-/autocracy and market economy”.- Autocracy and market economy. The transformation in Eastern Europe and East Asia in comparison, Vienna, 15-17 May, 2014.
- L’Europe face à ses nouveaux citoyens mobilises.- L’Europe face à ses nouveaux citoyens : des mobilisations aux élections, Sofia, 16.04.14.
- Mobile citizens : European challenges vs Balkan experiences.- Demography, multiculturalism, citizenship, LCC International University, Klaipeda, 4-5.04.14.
- Pour une francophonie transversale, innovante et ouverte.- L’état des lieux de la francophonie en Bulgarie, Sofia, 25.03.14.
- Frontières dynamiques: de la solidification politique à la liquéfaction symbolique.- Frontières et francophonie, Sofia, 16.03.14.
- Challenges and chances for security: Bulgarian and Balkan perspectives.- On the future of Southeast Europe, International security and economic issues: perspectives from the region, St
- Edward’s University, Austin, US, 24-26.02.14.
- Re/de/construire les sciences sociales par les politiques scientifiques européennes, Caen, 3-4.02.14.
- Migration, retour, mobilité : les expériences diversifiées des médecins bulgares.- Migration et sante. Enjeux, tendances et impacts. 29-30.11.13.
- Citoyennete europeenne, societe civie et media (moderateur) .- Citoyennete europeenne ou Europe citoyenne, Szeged, 8.12.13.
- Du populisme souriant au populisme attaquant.- Mobilités, diversité et populisme identitaire, Cluj, 17-18 octobre 2013.
- New populism: from attracting all to excluding some.- Managing diversities. Democratic challenges for a plural society on the way to a European citizenship. Bertinoro, 12-13.09.13.
- La nouvelle citoyenneté numérique: acteurs, réseaux, engagements.- Francophonie et citoyenneté numérique, Sofia, 16.10.13
- Lines, spaces, borders: images and imaginaries.- European border studies conference, mapping conceptual change in thinking European borders, Bergamo, 3-5.07.13
- La rue et l-e-rue.-La rue et l’e- rue, Sofia, 10.06.13.
- Internationalisation des sciences sociales (participation a la table ronde).- Quelles sciences humaines et sociales pour le 21 siècle ?, Caen, 6-7.12.12.
- Multilingualism and the individual (participation in the round table).- Language rich Europe. Multilingualism for stable and prosperous societies, London, 3-4.12.12.
- Mobile brains: Balkan perspectives.- Les migrations intra-européennes à l’aube du XXI siècle. Perspectives pluridisciplinaires. Bordeaux, 29-30.11.12.
- Les étudiants bougent: migration ou mobilité scientifique?- Les programmes européens de formation et de recherche dans l’enseignement supérieur : état des lieux et perspectives sur l’espace euro-méditerranéen, Bordeaux, 27.11.12.
- Bulgarian doctors in the international health mobility.- Doctors and mobility, Sofia, 22-23.11.12.
- Anciennes and nouvelles minorités en Bulgarie: politiques, représentations, théorisations.-Issues of cultural diversity in post-socialist Europe, Fribourg, 15-16 November, 2012.
- Lignes dans les espaces, lignes dans les esprits.- Les nouveaux paradigmes des frontieres, Sofia, 8.11.12.
- Bulgarian emigration: social and political perspectives.- The social and economic impact of emigration on South-Eastern and Central Europe – liberal perspectives, Bucharest, 27-28.10.12.
- Gender stereotypes in education and labor market.- Teacher trade union actions challenging gender stereotypes and gender segregation in the labor market, Warsaw, 11-12.09.12.
- Les indignés d’Internet.- Media, Internet, démocratie, Paris, 5.06.12.
- Frontières étatiques vs frontières mentales.- Frontières, démocratie, Respublica, Paris, 4.06.12(http://www.sfsic.org/evenements/2154-colloque-frontieres-democratie-a-res-publica)
- Bulgarian and Balkan migrations in a comparative perspective.-Migration from and towards Bulgaria (1989 – 2011), Jena, 27-28.04.12.
- Francophonie et société civile.-Francophonie et démocratie, Sofia, 20.03.12.
- Espace public et Erasmus dans une triple perspective.- Espace public et Erasmus, Paris 8, 12.03.12.
- Balkan migrations: types and trends.- Immigration policies and securities in Southern Europe and the Balkans during the current crisis, Athens, 19.12.11.
- Les circulations migratoires dans les Balkans.- Aux frontières orientales de l’Europe : migrations et mutations dans les espaces postcommunistes. Réalités et représentations. Paris, 9-10.12.11.
- Marges et frontières: regards de la périphérie.- Centre-périphérie, Paris, 1-3.12.11.
- Commentator at the panel Migration as challenge and chance for Serbia.- Democracy in unstable social spaces. Vienna, 22.11.11.
- Commentator at the panel Social and employment impacts of emigration.- Social and economic impact of migration: Central and East-European perspectives, Warsaw, 7-18.11.11.
- Balkan migration models.- Paper at the international conference Migration and identity: historical, cultural and linguistic dimensions of mobility in the Balkans, Sofia, 14-15.10.11.
- Competences, mobilities, development.- Paper at the Workshop on emigration issues in the Western Balkans- joint approach to lonking migration and development of the countries of origin. Sarejevo, 13-14.11.
- Politics and responsibility: post-communist perspectives.- Paper at the seminar “Responsibility personal and social: Foundations of life in a global age”, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington DC, 21.09.11.
- Participation in the seminar “Responsibility personal and social: Foundations of life in a global age”, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington DC, 22.08 – 24.09.11 (http://www.crvp.org/seminar/2011/seminar-11-participants.htm)
- L’émergence du citoyen postcommuniste.-Transition démocratique et mutations institutionnelles.- Tunis, Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain, 20.05.11.
- Penser et traverser les frontières.- Au-delà les frontières : l’UE entre intégration et relations externes, Forli, 13-14.05.11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wuOTLwrH-U&list=PL0F6DA49FB6B700FE&feature=plcp&context=C301e810FDOEgsToPDskKkEGajF5k6s3rf1L Bs7pWT.
- La confiance – une découverte postcommuniste.- La confiance altérée. Montréal, 5-6.05.11.
- De la citoyenneté postcommuniste a l’e-citoyenneté.- Citoyennetés et nationalités en Europe, Banska Bystrica, 27-28.04.11.
- Ethnicity and democratization – the Western Balkans on its way to the EU. Participation in the round table at the international conference Democratization and Europeanization in the Western Balkans: ethnic diversity as a factor of democratic consolidation, Vienna, 25-26.11.10.
- Krasteva A. Migration and employment in Southeastern Europe: European, regional, national, local perspectives. Plenary paper at the international conference Migration and employment: European and regional perspectives, Sofia, 3-5.11.10.
- Krasteva A. Francophonie et démocratisation: l’expérience postcommuniste.- Francophonie, fédéralisme et institutions, Montreux, Suisse, 15-16.10.10.
- Krasteva A. and V. Ivanova. Labor migration in Bulgaria: employability capacities in urban environment.- Global migration and multiculturalism: religion, society, policy and politics, Surrey, 28-29.06.11 (Book of abstracts, p. 74)
- Krasteva A. and V. Ivanova. Labor migration in Bulgaria: employability capacities in urban environment.- Global migration and multiculturalism: religion, society, policy and politics, Surrey, 28-29.06.11 (Book of abstracts, p. 74)
- Krasteva A. Being a legal migrant in Bulgaria.- Migrant legality and employment in contemporary Europe. Amsterdam, 9-12.06.10.
- Krasteva A. La condition migrante (post)communiste.- Séminaire de recherche de l’Institut d’études avancées, Nantes, 29.04.10.
- Krasteva A. Balkan mobiles.- Migration, pluralisation, ethnicisation des sociétés contemporaines. Bruxelles, 26-28.04.10.
- Southeastern European migrations: from forced displacement to labor migration.- Internal and international migrations: a comparative perspective, Beijing, March 23-24, 2010.
- Participation in the workshop Active aging of migrant elders across Europe. Good practice exchange programme for voluntary organizations. Mannhiem, 15-17.06.09.
- Participation a la conference internationale Dialogue des civilisations et diversité culturelle. Kairouan, 2-4.06.09.
- Genre et migration en Bulgarie.-Migration to, from and in Southeastern Europe. 5th InASEA conference, Ankara, 21-24.05.09.
- Being a citizen: not a profession, but a commitment.- New actors in a new environment: accession to the EU, civil society and multi-level governance, Sofia, 15-16.05.09.
- Les pays postcommunistes: de la migration comme contrainte à la mobilité comme liberté.- Les nouvelles configurations de la mobilité humaine, 26-28.11.08, Ponta Delgada.
- Participation at the round table “Elargissement et/ou approfondissement de l’OIF, identité linguistique et politique » at the conference “L’identité francophone a l’heure de la mondialisation”, Paris, 13.11.08.
- Minorities and security in Bulgaria.- Minorities, regional stability and security in Southeastern Europe, Istanbul, 27-28.10.08.
- New minorities, borders and migration.- Empires and nations. Joint conference of Sciences Po and Association for the Studies of Nationalities, Paris, 3-7.07.08.
- Conflit, confiance et démocratie en Europe de l’Est.- La Chine et l’internationalisation de la sociologie, Paris, 30.06 – 3.07.08.
- Labor migration flows in the republic of Bulgaria.- Labor migration flows in South Eastern Europe, Belgrade, 26-27.06.08.
- Balkan migrations in a comparative perspective.- Migration from and to South Eastern Europe. Sofia, 2-3 June 2008.
- Co-organizer of the international conference “Integrating (new) immigrants: European experiences”. Sofia, 16-17 May 2008.
- Integrating immigrants in Bulgaria.- Integrating (new) immigrants: European experiences. Sofia, 16-17 May 2008.
- Organization and moderation of the round table “Being a Bulgarian in Austria” (Red house, Sofia, 26.03.08).
- Organization and moderation of the round table “The political carrier” (NBU, Sofia, 25.03.08).
- Participation in the British Council Living Together London Summit, London, 12-15.03.08.
- CERMES : review of gender and Balkan immigrant perspectives.- Engaging NGOs to facilitate immigrant perspectives, Sofia, 18-19.02.08.
- Le scandale politique.-La confiance et le conflit, Paris, 15-16.02.08.
- Les femmes immigrées en Bulgarie.-4e Forum Européen de la culture et de la société
- « Nationalité, citoyenneté, identité, intégration », 10-11.12.07, Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxembourg.
- 13 paradoxes of the Bulgarian ethnic model.- Political representation and participation of minorities in the Balkan democratization process, Sofia, 30.11-1.12.07.
- Temps, reformes, politiques sociales: avatars (post)communistes.- Les temps des politiques sociales, Fribourg, 22-23.11.07.
- Ordre territorial et ordre politique.- The social construction of European territories : borders, region-building and performance. Luxemburg, 20-21.09.07.
- Espaces publics (Introduction et présidence).- Université européenne d’été Actualités du concept d’espace (philosophie, arts, sciences humaines), Lyon, 12-21.07.07.
- Universities as civil societies actors.- Institutions of research and tertiary education in Central and South Eastern Europe – developments, structures and perspectives for their integration into the European higher education and research area, Graz, 29-30.06.07.
- European public sphere. What research agenda in an enlarged union?-Adapting to integration in an enlarged European Union. Sofia, 31.05-1.06.07.
- Refugees and immigrants in Bulgaria: between securitarian and human rights concerns.- Migreurop’ workshop, Ljubljana, 28-28.05.07.
- Participation at the round table „Die Europaische Union, Bulgarien und Rumanien zwischen Euphorie und Katerstimmung – Anfang oder Ende des Reformprocesses?” 24.05.07, Haus Wittgenstein, Wien.
- Migration flows in the Republic of Bulgaria.- Migration flows in Southeastern Europe, Belgrade, 27-28.02.07
- Politiques migratoires: expériences belges et défis postcommunistes.- L’influence belge en
- Roumanie et en Bulgarie, Bucarest, 30.11-2.12.06.
- The case of Bulgaria.- I n : Institutions of research and tertiary education in East and South East Europe – developments, structures and perspectives for their integration into the European higher education and research area, Graz, 24-25 November 2006.
- Le français – enjeu identitaire ou diplomatique en Bulgarie.- Géopolitique de la langue française, Paris, 6-7 novembre 2006.
- Nationalism and polulism in Southeastern Europe.- ASN conference “Globalization, nationalism and ethnic conflicts in the Balkans and its regional context”, Belgrade, 28 – 30.09.2006.
- Europeanisation and institutionalization of migration policy.- The impact of the European Union: case of Bulgaria, case of Turkey, Izmir, 25-27.05.06.
- Comment penser le passage de la société fermée a la société ouverte. L’émergence de nouveaux domaines en sciences sociales.- La place des lettres et des sciences humaines dans la société du XXIe siècle, Sofia, 18-20.05.06.
- L’individualisme post-communiste.- La reconnaissance dans les sociétés contemporaines, Lyon, 5-6.12.05.
- Immigration in Bulgaria : theoretical and political challenges.- Irregular migration, informal labor and community in Europe, Istanbul, 1-2.12.05.
- Le citoyen post-communiste.- Identité et citoyenneté, Coimbra, 22-23.11.05.
- The political leader like a star.- Hypermodernity and education, Sofia, 22.04.2005.
- Francophonie et démocratisation post-communiste.- Situation linguistique de l’Afrique et du monde arabe, Oran et Mostaganem, 10-11.01.05.
- Mondialisation et démocratisation: regards de l’Europe et de ses périphéries.- Forum des écrivains et intellectuels francophones, Ouagadougou, 17-20.11.2004.
- De l’ethnicité à l’immigration en Bulgarie.- Les migrations de l’Est vers l’Ouest : entre mobilité et installation. Bruxelles, 1.10.04.
- La sphère publique post-communiste face à la nouvelle diversité culturelle.- XVIIe congrès international des sociologues de langue française « L’individu social », Tours, 5-9 juillet 2004.
- Borders, security and migrations: the European dimension compared.- Functional borders abs sustainable security: integrating the Balkans in the European Union, Forli, 5-6.12.03.
- Minorities, European integration, immigration: three challenges to the post-communist nation state.- 35th National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 20-23.11.03.
- Société pluriculturelle et processus d’unification européenne.- Gouvernance et Europe sociale : les conséquences sociales, économiques et institutionnelles dans la région européenne la moins favorisée. Molyvos, 31.10-1.11.03.
- Identité, ethnicité, appartenance.- La place des sciences de l’homme dans la construction d’un espace culturel et politique européen. Colloque bulgaro-italien. Sofia, 18-19.09.03.
- Le conflit politique post-communiste.- Conflits, confiance, démocratie, Sofia, 5-7.09.03.
- Notre Autre: l’Europe vue par sa périphérie.- Altérité et société, Athènes, 7 – 12.05.03.
- La protection sociale des personnes âgées: les nouveaux défis internationaux. Le cas de la Bulgarie (co-autheur D. Kanev).- Le défi social du développement, Geneve, 25.02 – 01.03.2003.
- L’organisation administrative des Etats post-socialistes: le défi de la légitimation démocratique face aux héritages (modératrice).- Refonder les territoires, Lyon, 30 – 31.01.03.
- Identités ethno-politiques et ethno-religieuses.- Les autres lieux du politique. Dijon, 27.09.02.
- Identités minoritaires, identités politiques: trois cas de figure.- Petites sociétés et minorités nationales, 21- 24 août, 2002, Ottawa.
- Discussant of panel 5 “Cultural analysis of contemporary nomadism ” and of panel 36 “ Between conflict and mediation : the Bulgarian ethnic model ”.- Nationalsim, identity and regional cooperation : compatibilities and incompatibilities ”, 5-9.06.02, Forly, Italy.
- Expérience identitaire.- Construction d’identités, construction de sociétés. Abbaye de Royaumont, 4-5 juin 2002.
- Francophonie et société civile.- Le français, langue du monde, Bruxelles, 19 – 20.2002.
- Transition démocratique et université.- Enseignement de la sociologie et contextes locaux , Saint Louis, 27.01 - 2.02.2002.
- Corruption and social values.- Corruption and the succes of the transition, Sofia, 6.11.01.
- Minorities in post-communist states; Ehnic and political identities (discutant).- Nationality and citizenship in post-communist Europe, Paris, 9-10.07.2001.
- Le modèle ethnique bulgare.- La Bulgarie et l’intégration européenne, Bruxelles, 21.04.2001.
- Intercultural museum and education.-Cultural tourism in Bulgaria, Forli, November 17 - 18, 2000.
- Cultural identity.-Cultural identity, pluralism, globalization, Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., September - November 2000.
- Ethnicity and power. Factors for shared identities and exclusion.-Balkan connections, Turin, October 18 - 20, 2000.
- Les problèmes ethniques dans le discours politique bulgare.-Une société monde, XVIe congres de l'AISLF, Québec, 3-7.07.2000.
- Workshop Civil society and cultural diversity, Ohrid, 18-20.03.2000.
- Identités communistes et postcommunistes.- Transition et (re)construction des sociétés, Ohrid, 16-18.03.2000.
- Social and political actors of the transition.- Ten years of the post-communist transition, 10-12 February 2000, Bertinoro.
- Cultural differences and post-communist public space.- Intercultural communication and civil society, Sofia, 30-31.10.99.
- Le discours de guerre ou la nostalgie de la pensée binaire.- La pensée binaire, Louvain-la-Neuve, 13-14.10.1999.
- Participation at the Round Table "Ten Years after the Transition: Looking Backward and Forward".-4th European Conference of Sociology "Will Europe work?", Amsterdam, August 18 - 21, 1999.
- L'identité bulgare.- Mutations des sociétés en Bulgarie et au Québec. Sofia, 30 Juin - 1 Juillet 1999.
- Lectures bulgares de l'idée de l'Europe au XX siècle.- Territoires européens, diversité/différence, différenciation/intégration. Paris, 9 Avril 1999.
- Ethnocultural dilemmas of the Bulgarian intellectual discourse.- The ethnocultural situation in Bulgaria - 8 years later, Sofia, 29 - 30.01.1999.
- Public space and citizenship.- Public sphere and individual responsibility, Belgrade, December 13-15, 1998.
- Multiculturalisme ou intégration: dilemmes (post)communistes.- Identité(s): multiculturalisme, intégration?.- Grenoble, 6 - 9 Décembre 1998. Is a (post)communist politics of identities possible?- Sixth conference of the International
- Society for the Study if European Ideas “Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition and Inovation”, Haifa, 16- 21 August, 1998.
- Politique des idées ou politique des identités.- Les sciences sociales face à la question des minorités et de la diaspora en Europe. Strasbourg, 11 - 14.12. 1997
- L’identité culturelle bulgare.- Identité culturelle, coexistence culturelle: Thessalonique carrefour pluri-culturel, Thessalonique, 1-3 Octobre 1997.
- Politics of presence and politics of ideas.- Int. conference Political language in Britain and Bulgaria, Sofia, 13-14.09.1997.
- Ethnocultural difference and power: a Bulgarian case study.- IPSA XVII World Congress Conflict&Order, Seoul, August 17 - 21, 1997.
- Histoire et changement: un nouveau mythe postcommuniste?- L’école d’été en sciences sociales “Approches des structures temporelles dans les sciences humaines”, Cluj, 22-30.07.1997.
- Attirés ou exclus: le destin des petits groupes minoritaires.- La démocratie à l’épreuve de l’ exclusion, Istanbul, 3-5.07. 1997.
- Europe and the constituting of modern Bulgaria (in collaboration with G.Dimitrov) .-Europe@Balkans international network conference, Bologna, 5 - 7.12.1996.
- Les Bulgares musulmans: une identité crucifiée.- Colloque Les oublies des Balkans, Paris, 24 - 26.1996.
- Ourselves as strangers and vice versa.- Nat. conference Bulgaria in XXI century, Veliko Tirnovo,18 - 20.10.1996.
- Attraction and punishment: a case study of minority - majority relations.- Int. congress Memory, history and critique: European identity at the millennium, Utrecht, 19 - 24.08.1996.
- Groupes minoritaires et espace public.- Congrès de l’AISLF, Evora, 8-12.07.1996. Attitudes
- culturelles et (re)écriture de l'histoire.- Séminaire de l'Unesco "Interaction entre l'école et le milieu culturel", Bankia, 1 - 3. 11. 1995.
- Identités et différences. - Colloque int. "Les Balkans - carrrefour ethnique et culturel: aspects culturels et éducationnels", Sofia, 27 - 30.05.1995.
- Identités et mémoire.- Séminaire de l'AISLF "Relations interethniques et apparition de nouveaux acteurs sociaux", Sozopol, 15 - 20.05.1995.