About us


CERMES (Centre for European Refugees, Migration and Ethnic Studies) is an academic organisation, specialized in the field of migration studies.

We were founded more than 15 years ago and were the first scholars in Bulgaria to work in the field of migration and refugee studies at a national, European and international level. Our main fields of research are migration and refugee policies, populism, citizenship, civic mobilisations on and off-line. Our portfolio covers  research, teaching and training, policy-oriented expertise, publications and civic activities.

Our dynamic team of senior and junior researchers, with different and complementing backgrounds, is proud to offer a unique link between academia, migrants, decision makers and civil society.

The CERMES research team has rich experience in qualitative political science studies on national and international level, EU projects, including FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020. Our researchers have contributed to several publications in Routledge, Springler, Palgrave: Macmillan, McGill, etc.