- Staykova, E. (2022). Return Migration in Bulgaria: A Policy Context of Missed Opportunities. Vienna. ÖGfE Policy Brief, 17’2022
- Staykova, E., Hadjichoneva, J. (eds.) (2022). Policies and innovations for cities. Sofia: Avangard Prima. 135. ISBN 978-619-239-754-8 (electronic edition) (in Bulgarian)
- E. Staykova and Hadjitchoneva J. (eds). (2021). Sustainable Urban Development - Lessons for Sofia. Sofia: NBU (in Bulgarian).
- E. Staykova (2022). Sustainable urban development in times of (global) crisis. In. Policies and innovations for cities. Sofia: Vanguard Prima. 37-48. ISBN 978-619-239-754-8 (electronic edition);
- Evelina Staykova. Ildiko Otova (2021). Migration and populism. The refugee crisis in Bulgaria (2021) In: INTEGRATION. EVOLUTION. SUSTAINABILITY: PATHS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS: Proceedings of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference (Ulan-Ude, 15-16 September 2021) / ed. А. Е. Yantranov; Assoc. ed. Д. Ц. Budaeva. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of Buryat State University, 2021. - 272 p. ISBN 978-5-9793-1664-2
- Е. Staykova, V. (2021). The Bulgarian migration experience: between crisis creation and management, In: Doykov, N. (ed.) Crises and conflicts - correlations and challenges. Vol. 2. Crises and security at the national level. Sofia.
- Staikova, E. (2021). The quality of local democracy. In. Sustainable urban development - lessons for Sofia. ISBN 978-619-233-176-4 (print edition) ISBN 978-619-233-177-1 (electronic edition)
- Staykova, E. (2020). Cities and global crises: COVID-19 and the role of local government, In: Doykov, N. (ed.) The wide siguerness. Vol. 2. Cybersecurity. Economic, Social and Cultural Security. Sofia: Paradox
- Krasteva, Anna. The alchemy of integration: Russians in Bg.- In: Bouju, Aimie & Edel, Andreas (eds) Similar but different. Inclusion and exclusion of immigrant communities sharing similar backgrounds with their host societies. 2018, Berlin: Max Plank Society for the advancement of Science, 41-46. https://www.population-europe.eu/discussion-paper/discussion-paper-no-8-similar-different
- Krasteva, Anna with E. Staykova and I. Otova. For Bulgarian citizens when populism is mainstreamed, contestability is more import than consent.-Open democracy, 10.09.18. https://opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/anna-krasteva-evelina-staykova-ildiko-otova/being-bulgarian-citizen-when-populism
- Krasteva, Anna (et al) Citizens’ activism for reimagining and reinventing citizenship countering far-right populism. In: Anna Krasteva, Birte Siim, Aino Saarinen (eds) Citizens’ activism and solidarity movements. Contending with populism. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, Palgrave, 2018, 265 – 292.
- Krasteva, Anna (et al) Being a citizen in times of mainstreaming of populism: building post-communist contestatory and solidary citizenship. In: Anna Krasteva, Birte Siim, Aino Saarinen (eds) Citizens’ activism and solidarity movements. Contending with populism. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, Palgrave, 2018, 213-242.
- Krasteva, Anna. Globalization of borders: Balkan dilemmas.- In: Vila-Cha, Joao J. & Hogan, John (eds) Justice and responsibility: cultural and philosophical foundations. Washington DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2018, 241 – 267.
- Krasteva A. The triple populist inovativness.- Political Studies, 2017, N 1-2, 5-18 (in Bulgarian)
- Krasteva A. guest editor of the thematic volume (National)Populism.- Political Studies, 2017, N 1- (in Bulgarian).
- Krasteva, Anna. Citoyenete creative post-communiste.- Andonova, Yanita et Kogan, Anne-France (eds) questioner le tournant creative: dispositifs, processus et representations. Actes de colloque. Varna, 2018, 12-14. https://crea2s.hypotheses.org/298
- Krasteva, Anna, Vijoen, Frans, Mullen, Mathew (2017) Editorial.- Global Campus of Human Rights Journal, Issue 1.2. https://globalcampus.eiuc.org/handle/20.500.11825/431
- Krasteva, Anna (2017) Editorial of special focus: Securitisation and its impact on human rights and human security.- Global Campus of Human Rights Journal, Issue 1.2. https://globalcampus.eiuc.org/handle/20.500.11825/427
- Krasteva, Anna and Vladisavljević, Nebojša (2017) Securitisation versus citizenship: Populist and authoritarian misuses of security threats and civic responses in the Balkan states.- Global Campus of Human Rights Journal, Issue 1.2. https://globalcampus.eiuc.org/handle/20.500.11825/423
- Anna Krasteva. If Borders Did Not Exist, Euroscepticism Would Have Invented Them, or on Post-Communist Re/De/Re/Bordering in Bulgaria.- GeoPolitics, 21.11.17. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14650045.2017.1398142
- Anna Krasteva. Facts will not save (the youth) from Fake. Citizenship will. In: Open democracy. https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/anna-krasteva/facts-will-not-save-youth-from-fake-citizenship-will
- Anna Krasteva (with B. Sauer and A. Saarinen “Post-Democracy, Party Politics and Right-Wing Populist Communication” in: “Populism and the Web. Communicative Practices of Parties and Movements in Europe” Edited by Mojca Pajnik, Birgit Sauer. Routledge, 2017
- Anna Krasteva. If crisis did not exist, populism would have invented them.-In: Tina Olteanu, Tobias Spori, Felix Jaitner, Hans Asenbaum (eds) Osteuropa transformiert. Sozialismus, Demokratie und Utopie. Springler, 2017, 193 – 210.
- Krasteva A. Re/De/Constructing the far-right youth: between the lost generation and contestatory citizenship. In: Lazaridis G. and Campani G. (eds) Understanding the populist shift. Othering in a Europe of crisis. London and New York, Routledge, 2016, 150 – 178.
- Krasteva A. The white piano or the dilemma creative versus contestatory (e-)citizenship. In: Digital icons, 2016, issue 15. http://www.digitalicons.org/issue15/the-white-piano-or-the-dilemma-of-creative-%E2%80%A8versus-contestatory-%D0%B5-citizenship/
- Krasteva A. The post-communist rise of national populism: Bulgarian paradoxes.In: Lazaridis, G., Campani G., Benveniste A. (2016) The rise of the far-right in Europe. Populist shifts and Othering. Palgrave: Macmillan, 161-201.
- Krasteva A. Occupy Balkans or the emergence of postcommunist contestatory citizenship.- In: Southeastern Europe , 2016, vol. 40, N 2. 158 – 187. http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/18763332-04002002
- Krasteva A. Religion, politics and nationalism in post-communist Bulgaria: elastic (post)secularism.- In Nationalism and ethnic politics, 2015, vol. 21, N 4, 422-445.
- http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13537113.2015.1095526
- Anna Krasteva (and G.L.) Far right populist ideology, ‘Othering’ and youth. In: Maria Reinieri (ed).
- Populism, media and education. Challenging discrimination in contemporary digital societies. Routledge, 2016, 9 - 25.httt://www.tandf.net/books/details/9781138929845
- Krasteva A. Mobile Balkans: temporality, types, trends. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography, Belgrade, 2015, 63 (3), 515 - 535.
- Krasteva A. Lines, spaces, borders : images and imaginaries. In: Chiara Brambilla, Jussi Laine James W. Scott Gianluca Bocchi (eds) Borderscaping: imagination and practices of border making, Routledge, 2015.
- Krasteva A. Religion, politics and nationalism in post-communist Bulgaria: elastic (post)secularism.- In Nationalism and ethnic politics, 2015, vol. 21, N 4, 422-445. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13537113.2015.1095526
- Krasteva A. La rue et l’-e-rue. Dans : Krasteva Anna et Gueorguieva Petia (dir) La rue et l’-e-rue. Nouvelles contestations citoyennes. Paris : Harmattan, 2015, 11-18.
- Krasteva A. Devenir citoyen dans l’e-rue. Emergence de la citoyenneté contestataire.- Dans :
- Krasteva Anna et Gueorguieva Petia (dir) La rue et l’-e-rue. Nouvelles contestations citoyennes. Paris : Harmattan, 2015, 19-44.
- Krasteva A. Internationalisation des sciences sociales et humaines.- In : Actes du premier congrès du réseau des MSH, Réseau national des SHS, 2015, 31-35.
- Krasteva A. Bulgarie.- Simon G. (ed) Dictionnaire des migrations internationales. Paris: Armand Colin, 2015, 181 - 185.
- Krasteva A. Bulgarian migration profile.- Medved, Felicita. Proliferation of migration transition. Selected new EU member states. European iberal Forum, 2014, 189 - 211.
- Mobilite en blanc.- Dans Anna Krasteva et Despina Vasilcu (eds) (2014) Migrations en blanc. Médecins d’est en ouest. Paris : l’Harmattan, 119 – 150.
- Medecins mobiles: parcours inovants, politiques inadaptees. Dans Anna Krasteva et Despina Vasilcu (eds) (2014) Migrations en blanc. Médecins d’est en ouest. Paris : l’Harmattan, 229 – 234.
- Civic protests, e-democracy, new mobilisations. In A. Todorov and D. Kanev (eds) (2014) Quality of democracy. Sofia: Iztok-Zapad, 449 – 492.
- Internet untamed.- Introduction In: Coutan, Alexandre (ed) Internet and politics. Sofia: NBU, 2014, 7 – 14. (In Bulgarian)
- L-e-citoyennete – le projet politique de la revolution numerique.- Krasteva Anna (dir) (2013) E-citoyennetés. Paris : Harmattan, 11-22.
- Les Indignes d’Internet.- Krasteva Anna (dir) (2013) E-citoyennetés. Paris : Harmattan, 23-40.
- Migrations et mobilités européennes.- In : Europeana, 2013, vol. 2 « Migrations et mobilités européennes », 9 – 14.
- Balkans on the move.- In : Europeana, 2013, vol. 2 « Migrations et mobilités européennes », 91 –
- 105.
- Questionnements stratégiques et recherches artistiques : les frontières entre ordre et altérite.-Global local forum. Le dialogue des territoires. Vol. 2013. La coopération transfrontalière – levier pour le développement et la paix. Paris : Editions du Secteur Public, 2013, 99 – 108.
- От гражданина пост-комунистического к гражданину сетовому.- Отечествение записки, 2013, № 6 (57). http://www.strana-oz.ru/2013/6/ot-grazhdanina-postkommunisticheskogo-k-grazhdaninu-setevomu
- L-e-citoyennete – le projet politique de la revolution numerique.-In: Krasteva Anna (dir) (2013) E-citoyennetés. Paris : Harmattan, 11-22.
- Les Indignes d’Internet.- In: Krasteva Anna (dir) (2013) E-citoyennetés. Paris : Harmattan, 23-
- Krasteva Anna. Integrating the most vulnerable. Educating refugee children in the European Union.- In: Brown Elinor and Anna Krasteva (eds) (2013) Migrants and refugees. Equitable education for displaced populations. USA: Information Age Publishing, 3 – 28.
- Krasteva Anna, Alberto Cevrone and Frances T. Pitch (2013) Transnational migration and demographic serurity challenges.-In: Cross, Sharyl, Savo Kentera, R. Craig Nation and Radovan
- Vukadinovic (eds) Shaping South East Europe’s security community for the twenty-first century, New York: Palgrave , 166 – 196.
- Re/De/ Construire les frontieres. Theories&Arts.- In:Soulage, Francois.
- Geoartistique&Geopolitiue. Paris: Harmattan, 2013, 77 – 86.
- L’est postcomuniste. De la migration comme contrainte a la migration comme liberté.- In : Diogo F., R. Lalanda Concalves et L. Tomas (eds) Les nouvelles configurations de la mobilite humaine. Fribourg : Academic Press Fribourg, 2012, 25 – 36.
- Krasteva A. Borders or globalization: Balkan dilemmas.- Sociological problems, 2012, N 1-2, 86 – 113 (in Bulgarian)
- Krasteva A. Balkan migrations: types and trends.- Hristov, Petko (ed) Migration and identity. Historical, cultural and linguistic dimensions of mobility in the Balkans. Sofia: Paradigma, 2012, 87 – 97.
- Krasteva A. Educational integration of refugee and asylum seeking children in the EU.- In: Integrating refugee and asylum seeking children in the educational system of EU member states. Sofia: CSD, 2012, 35 – 77.
- Krasteva A. Digital public space – the political project of the Internet revolution. Introduction to the Bulgarian translation of Dominique Cardon. La democratie Internet. Sofia: Ed. NBU, 2012, 7 – 14.
- Krasteva A. Conflicts, trust, democracy in Eastern Europe.-In: Rouleau-Berger, Laurence and Li Peilin (eds) European and Chinese Sociologies. A new dialogue. Boston, Leiden: Brill, 2012, 177 – 186.
- Krasteva A. The Chinese and their competitors in Bulgaria. In: Chang, Felix and Rucher-Chang, Sunnie (eds) Chinese migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Routledge, 2012, 184 - 199.
- Krasteva A. Du citoyen postcommuniste au citoyen connecte.- In : Rouet G. (ed) Citoyennetés et nationalités en Europe. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2011, 237 – 254.
- Krasteva A. Mobile Balkans: from forced to labor migrations.- In: Dufoulon Serge et Maria
- Rostekova (dir) Migrations, mobilités, frontières & voisinages. Paris : Harmattan, 2011, 71-100.
- Social solidarities and immigration integration policies in South-Eastern Europe.- In: Ellison, Marion (ed) Reinventing social solidarity across Europe. Polity Press, 2012, 121 – 138.
- Krasteva A. Borders between ordering and othering.- In: Laschi, Giuliana (ed) Oltre I confine: l’UE fra integrazione interna e relazioni esterne. Bologna. Il Mulino, 2011, 161 – 187.
- Krasteva A., « Regards de femmes », SociologieS [En ligne] , Dossiers , Migrations, pluralisation, ethnicisation des sociétés contemporaines , mis en ligne le 18 octobre 2011, Consulté le 20 octobre
- 2011. URL : http://sociologies.revues.org/index3715.html
- Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Anna Krasteva et Andrea Rea , « Migrations, pluralisation, ethnicisation des sociétés contemporaines », SociologieS [En ligne] , Dossiers , Migrations, pluralisation, ethnicisation des sociétés contemporaines , mis en ligne le 18 octobre 2011, Consulté le 20 octobre 2011. URL : http://sociologies.revues.org/index3691.html
- Krasteva A. From the post-communist citizen to the e-citizen.- Political sciences (Banska Bistrica), 2011, N 2, 85 – 92.
- Krasteva A. E-campains without e-politics.- In: Ditchev I. and O.Spasov (eds) New media, new mobilizations. Sofia:Open Society Institute, 2011, , 40 – 55.
- Krasteva A. and A. Todorov. Ethnic minorities and political representation: the case of Bulgaria.- Southeastern Europe, 2011, vo. 35, N 1, 8-38.
- Krasteva A. Visibilization of the invisible: gender, Islam, Insecurity.- In: Lazaridis, Gabriella. (ed) Security, insecurity and migration in Europe. London: Ashgate, 2011, 201 – 218.
- Krasteva A. Les etudes ethniques a l’Est et a l’Ouest: normativite et instrumentalite.- Dans Rouleau-Berger, L. et A. Bonnafous (eds) Accademiquement correct. Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 2011, 111 – 126.
- Krasteva A. From the show to politics: images and messages in local elections in Sofia 2009.- In: Krasteva A. et A. Todorov (dir) Elections 2009 : european, parlementarian, local. Sofia : Presses de la
- Nouvelle Université Bulgare, 2010, 71 – 91.
- Krasteva A. Images and messages in parliamentary elections 2009.- In: Krasteva A. et A. Todorov (dir) Elections 2009 : european, parlementarian, local. Sofia : Presses de la Nouvelle Université Bulgare,
- 2010, 155-167.
- Krasteva A. La politologie dans le miroir politologique.- Dans : Krasteva A. et A. Todorov (dir) Les sciences politiques en Bulgarie. Sofia : Presses de la Nouvelle Université Bulgare, 2010, 273 - 291.
- Krasteva A. Images et messages dans le discours politique bulgare.- Dans : Krasteva A. et A. Todorov (dir) Les sciences politiques en Bulgarie. Sofia : Presses de la Nouvelle Université Bulgare, 2010, 74 – 97.
- The young bulgarian politician.- In: Krasteva, A. (dir).Bulgrian politician. Sofia : NBU, 2010 (in Bulgarian).
- Southeastern European migrations: from forced displacement to labor migration.- Proceeding of the international conference ”Internal and international migrations: a comparative perspective”, 2010, Beijing, 88 - 95.
- Krasteva A. Introduction.-In: Krasteva A., A.Kasabova, D. Karabonova (eds) Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2010, 9 – 14
- Being a foreign woman in Bulgaria.- Krasteva A., A.Kasabova, D. Karabonova (eds) Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2010.
- Participation in the debate “Political parties and the functioning of democracy in Bulgaria”-. Political studies, № 1-2, 87 – 104 (in Bulgarian)
- Bulgarian elections 2009: images and messages.- Political studies, 2009, № 1-2, 105 – 126. (in Bulgarian)
- Being a citizen – not a profession, but a commitment.-In: Hristova-Valtcheva K. (ed.) New actors in a new environment: accession to the EU, civil society and multi-level governance. Sofia: BECSA, 2009, 35 – 43.
- Krasteva A. et A. Todorov. L’engagement citoyen en Europe de l’Est : entre le politique et le social.- SociologieS, novembre 2009, http://sociologies.revues.org/index2998.html
- De l’individu postcommuniste au citoyen.- SociologieS, novembre 2009, http://sociologies.revues.org/index3001.html
- Русские в Болгарии: идентичност, демографскический и социально-культурный портрет (Russians in Bulgaria).-Русское зарубежье в Болгарии. История и современность. София: Русский академический союз в Болгарии, 2009, 183 – 187.
- In search of new opportunities: emigrating from and immigrating to Bulgaria- In: Krasteva A. (ed) Immigration and integration: European experiences. Sofia: Manfred Worner Foundation, 2008, 63-89.
- L’immigration en Bulgarie.- esprit d’entreprise et question d’intégration.- Hommes et migrations, 2008, N spécial 1274 Minorités et migrations en Bulgarie, 112- 129.
- Debating the European public sphere.- In:. Nikolov K. (ed) Adapting integration in an enlarged European Union. Vol. 2. Adapting the enlarged union to the citizen. Sofia, BECSA, 2008, 264 – 272.
- Kolarova R., P.Kabakchieva, A. Krasteva, K. Nikolov. Concluding reflections and recommendations: what research agenda on the European Citizen and the Enlarged Union?- Nikolov K. (ed) Adapting integration in an enlarged European Union. Vol. 2. Adapting the enlarged union to the citizen. Sofia, BECSA, 2008, 273 – 294.
- L’individualisme post-communiste.-Dans : Payet J.-P. et A. Battegay (eds) La reconnaissance a l’épreuve. Presses Universitaires de Septentrion, 2008, 295 – 302.
- Politiques migratoires. Expériences belges et défis bulgares.- Studia Politica, 2008, vol. VIII, N 1, 91 – 96.
- Immigration, gender, labor.- In:The implication of EU membership on immigration trends and immigrant integration policies for the Bulgarian labor market. Sofia, 2008, 101 – 113.
- The new Europeans.- Krasteva, A. and Tolia Stoytzeva (dir). First year European Bulgaria: elections and images. Sofia : NUB, 2008, 97 – 105. (in bulgarian)
- La francophonie des pays de l’Est: identité et/ou politique.- Krasteva A., A. Todorov, K. Hristova, A. Todorov (dir) Francophonie et integration europeenne. Sofia: NUB, 2007, 21-33.
- Post-communist discovery of immigration : the case of Bulgaria.-In: Berggren E., B. Likic-Brboric, G. Toksoz, N. Trimikliotis (eds) Irregular labor and community: a challenge for Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing, 2007, 104-117.
- Le français: enjeu identitaire ou diplomatique en Bulgarie.- Herodote, 2007, N 126, 143 -152.
- Identité européenne versus identité nationale.- In: Grigooriou P.(dir) La région européenne et la question fédérale à l’ère de l’élargissement de l’Union Européenne à l’Est. Bruxelles et Athènes. Bruyant et Ant. Sakkoulas, 2007, 171 – 182.
- Strengthening cross-border cooperation in the Western Balkan regarding migration management – Bulgaria.- In: Migration flows in South eastern Europe, a compendium of national perspectives. Belgrade, 2007, 163 – 193.
- L’immigre chinois en Bulgarie. Le “protestant” de l’économie post-communiste.-In: Roulleau-Berger L. (dir) Nouvelles migrations chinoises et travail en Europe. Toulouse: Presse Universitaires du Mirail, 2007, 71 – 88.
- Europeanization and institutionalization of migration policy.- In: Getova M. and A.N. Uste (eds) The impact of European Union: the case of Bulgaria, the case of Turkey. Sofia: NBU, 2007.
- Krasteva A. and E. Jileva. Teaching ethnicity and migration in Bulgarian Universities.-In: Jacobs S. (ed) Pedagogies of teaching “race” and ethnicity in higher education: British and European experiences. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 2006, 137 – 159.
- The post-communist political conflict.- In: Krasteva A. and F. Privitera (eds) Democratisation in post-communist transition processes in the 90s: lights and shadows. Ravenna: Longo Editore. 2006, 17 – 26.
- The concept of identities.- In : Hogan J. (ed) Cultural identity, pluralism and globalization. Vol. I. Cultural pluralism and democratic freedom. Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2005, 129 – 146
- Les élites post-communistes.- Dans: Krasteva A. et A. Todorov (dir) Modernisation, démocratisation, européanisation: la Bulgarie et la Roumanie comparée”. Sofia : NUB, 2005, 38 – 47.
- Identités minoritaires, identités politiques : trois cas de figure.- In : Boucher J. et J.-Y. Thériault (dir) Petites sociétés et minorités nationales. Québec : Presses de l’Université de Québec, 2005, 151 – 167.
- L’idée de l’Europe, lectures bulgares.- In : Rey, V. et T. Saint-Julien (dir) Territoires d’Europe. La différence en partage. Lyon : ENS Editions, 2005, 31-42.
- Mondialisation et démocratisation: regards de l’Europe et de ses périphéries.- Dans : Ndaywel e Nziem, I. et J. Kilanga Musinde (dir) Mondialisation, cultures et développement. Paris : Maisonneuve&Larose, 2005, 147 – 161
- Chinese in Bulgaria.- In: Chiodi L. (ed) The borders of the polity. Migration and security across the EU and the Balkans. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2005, 59 – 80.
- The Bulgarian migration phenomenon.- In: Krasteva, A. (ed) Immigration in Bulgaria. Sofia: IMIR, 2005, 7-19. (in Bulgarian)
- Francophonie et démocratisation post-communiste.- Hermès, 2004, N 40, 201 – 205.
- Bulgarian ethnic politics.- In : Krasteva, A. (ed) From ethnicity to migration. Sofia: NBU, 2004, 30 – 60. (in Bulgarian)
- L’étranger – le citoyen du monde globalisé.- Dans : Krasteva, A. et A. Todorov (dir) La mondialisation et les nouvelles limites du politique. Sofia : EON 2000, 2004, 103 – 112.
- La politique ethnique bulgare.-Transitions, 2001, vol.XLII, N 1, 153 – 172.
- Langue francaise et société civile.- Le francais, langue du monde. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2003, 103 – 107.
- Expérience identitaire.- Construction d’identités, construction de sociétés, Paris: LSCI-IRESCO, 2003, 41 – 46.
- Exclusion et etnicité.- In :Chatel, V. et M.-H. Soulet. Faire face et s’en sortir. vol. 2. Négotiation identitaire et capacité d’action. Fribourg, Editions identitaires Fribourg Suisse, 2002, 157 – 164.
- L'identité culturelle bulgare.- In: Boucher, J., G. Fotev et S. Koleva (dir) Mutations de société en quête de sens. Sofia: LIK, 2001, 111-124.
- Les Pomaks.- Cahiers Balkaniques, 2000, N 30 spécial Les oubliés des Balkans, 129 – 130.
- La politique de l’Etat a l’égard des minorités.- Cahiers Balkaniques, 2000, N 30 spécial Les oubliés des Balkans, 187-188.
- Integration ou multiculturalisme: dilemmes (post)communistes.- In: Greven-Bore, H. et J.Tournon
- (Dir). Les identités en débat: intégration ou multiculturalisme?. Paris: Harmattan, 2000, 169 - 187.
- Identita e potere: il dibattito communista e postcomunista sulle minoranze.-In: Matteucci, C. (ed) Il nationalismo. Culture politiche, mediazione e conflitto. Ravenna: Longo editore, 2000, 67 - 84.
- Dit et nondit: lequel dissimule davantage. - Petitat, A. (dir) Secret et lien social. Paris: L Harmattan, 2000, 93 - 103.
- Cultural differences and the public sphere.- In: Makariev, P. (Ed.) Intercultural communication and civil society. Sofia: Minerva, 2000, 81 - 93.
- Bulgarian cultural identity.-In: Makariev, P., A. Blasko and A. Davidov (Eds) Creating democratic societies: values and norms. Bulgarian philosophical studies, II, 205 - 228.- McLean, G. (General editor) The cultural heritage and contemporary change. Series IVA, Eastern and Central Europe, vol. 12, 1999.
- The idea of Europe in the mirror of Bulgarian cultural identity.- In: Keersmaeker, G.T. and P.Makariev (Eds). Bulgaria facing cultural diversity. Sofia: IPIS, Access, 1999, 75 - 98.
- Attraction and punishment: a case study of minority-majority relations.-In: Mucha, J. (Ed.) Dominant Culture as a Foreign Culture: Dominant Groups in the Eyes of Minorities. East European Monographs. Columbia University Press, 1999, 25 - 44.
- The Bulgarian cultural identity.- In: Constantopoulou, C. (Ed.) We and the Others. Athens: Gutenberg, 1999, 203 - 213 (in greek);
- Identitiés.- Philosophical forum, 1999, N (5) 1, 18 - 31.
- The authoritarian personality.- Philosophical newsletter, 1999, N 16, 20 - 21. (in Bulgarian);
- Europe and the constituting of modern Bulgaria (coauthor G.Dimitrov).- In: Bianchini, S. and G.Shopflin (Eds) State building in the Balkans, Dilemmas on the eve of the 21st century. Ravenna: Longo, 1998, 123 - 135.
- Les Bulgares musulmans, une identité crucifiée.- Cahiers Balkaniques, 1998, N 25, 27 - 39.
- History, rewriting history, rethinking historicism.- Europe and the Balkans. Occasional papers, 1998, N 9.
- Politics of ideas or politics of presence.- Political studies, 1997-98, N 7-8, 39 - 47.
- Informatization and power: communist and post-communist experience.- In: Lorentzen A. and
- M.Rostgard (Eds.) The aftermath of “real existing socialism” in Eastern Europe. Vol. 2. People and technology in the process of transition. London, Macmillan, 1997, 237 - 249.
- Cultural identity and intercultural dialogue.- In: Andonov A. and P.Makariev (Eds) Intercultural education, Sofia, Minerva, 1997, 108 - 115.
- End of history? Apology of history.- Sociological problems, 1997, N 4, 53 - 60.
- Being different: right, privilege or constraint?- In: Cojenen-Huther J. (Ed.)Bulgaria at the crossroads, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 1996, 155 - 175.
- La voix des minorités dans la transition post-communiste: le cas des Pomaks en Bulgarie.- In: Gern J.-P. (Ed.) La Bulgarie: une transition menacée, Neuchatel, EDES Neuchatel, 1996, 133 - 156.
- Ethnic minorities in Bulgaria.- In: Janic D. and S.Bianchini (Eds.) Ethnicity and post-communism, Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences, 1996, 205 - 215.
- Elite, Paternalism.-In: Dictionary of sociology, Sofia, M8M, 1996, 120- 12, 326 - 327. (in Bulgarian).
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